Ruka's Fantastic Voyages (2021)
Ruka's Fantastic Voyages” is a fictional animated series for children ages 4 to 7. Chapter by chapter, together with our protagonists, he immerses us in a journey of entertaining and exciting adventures in the fantastic and diverse underwater world. This series contributes to knowing and caring for this environment, generating a first approach to science.
Best TV Content at the Zinetxiki Zinemaldia International Festival, Spain 2018.
International Prix Jeunesse Finalist 2016.
Finalist Fan Chile 2015.
Duration: 13 Cap X 12´ | Genre: Children's fiction | Technique: 2D animation | Director: Julian Rosenblatt | Executive Producer: Pablo Rosenblatt | General Producer: Pablo Christiny |Screenplay: Lucila Las Heras | Research: Daniela Miranda, Michelle Redón| Art Director: John Leyton | Animation Director: Valechu Izamit | Scientific Editors: Osvaldo Ulloa, Marcos Correa | Script and Production Advisor: Mariana Loterszpil | Art Consultant: Vivienne Barry